March 1999
Part No. 001-2009-600
2000 Series Service Kit- This kit includes an extender
card, extender cables, TIC bias cable and programming
cable. These items are used when tuning the repeater
and while troubleshooting.
Battery Backup Option - It includes the +26V DC bat-
tery backup module that resides in the power supply
and the necessary interconnect cabling to connect the
repeater to the batteries (see Section 1.5).
1:8 Splitter Shelf - This increases the number of out-
puts from an OCXO drawer (see Figure 1.12).
Reference Oscillator Adapter Kit - The kit is installed
in the 1:8 Splitter Shelf. The attenuator is used in 2009
repeater systems when only one OCXO drawer is
Redundant OCXO - The OCXO (Oven Controlled
Crystal Oscillator) drawer produces a stable 1.25 MHz
(±0.1 PPM) reference signal for the Receiver and Excit-
er synthesizers.
Companding Module - This enhances the receive and
transmit audio when used in conjunction with the Tele-
phone Interface Card (TIC).
Two Foot Cable - This is a 2’ RG-58 coax cable with
BNC male connectors for the HSDB (High Speed Data
Six Foot Cable - This is a 6’ RG-58 coax cable with
BNC male connectors for the HSDB (High Speed Data
Custom Frequency - This is a factory frequency pro-
gramming and repeater setup.
PGMR 2000 Programming Software - 3.5" program-
ming disk used to program the repeater.
Service Microphone - This is a speaker and micro-
phone combination that plugs into the MAC connec-
tors. The microphone provides local audio and push-
to-talk, while the speaker provides local audio adjusted
with the volume control.
The warranty statement for this transceiver is
available from your product supplier or from the
Warranty Department
Transcrypt International, Inc.
299 Johnson Avenue,
Box 1249,
Waseca, MN 56093- 0514
This information may also be requested by phone
from the Warranty Department as described in Section
1.2. The Warranty Department may also be contacted
for Warranty Service Reports, claim forms, or any
questions concerning warranties or warranty service
by dialing (507) 835-6222.
The Customer Service Department of the E.F.
Johnson Company provides customer assistance on
technical problems and the availability of local and
factory repair facilities. Regular Customer Service
hours are 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Central Time,
Monday - Friday. The Customer Service Department
can be reached using one of the following telephone
Toll-Free: (800) 328-3911
(From within continental United States only)
International: (507) 835-6911
FAX: (507) 835-6969
E-Mail: First Initial/Last Name@transcrypt.com
(You need to know the name of the person you want to
reach. Example: dthompson@transcrypt.com)
NOTE: Emergency 24-hour technical support is also
available at the 800 and preceding numbers during off
hours, holidays, and weekends.
When your call is answered at E.F. Johnson Com-
pany, you will hear a brief message informing you of
numbers that can be entered to reach various depart-
ments. This number may be entered during or after the
message using a tone-type telephone. If you have a
pulse-type telephone, wait until the message is fin-
ished and an operator will come on the line to assist