About Your VSD241 Smart Display
3.2 Applications, Widgets and Shortcuts
The soft buttons or icons offer a variety of functions and shortcuts. On the
Home screen, it is your starting point to access all the features on your
device. It displays application icons, widgets, shortcuts and so on.
Applications: Software allows you to perform a specic task. Power on your
device, it is preloaded with a variety of applications already. You can also
download additional applications from the Google Play Store.
Widgets: Widgets are applications that you can use directly on the Home
screen. Example: Analog clock, Bookmark, Picture frame, the Google search
bar and so on.
Shortcuts: A link that you can create on your Home screen to provide
quicker access to applications you have installed.
3.3 Home Screen
Once you power on your device, and unlock your screen, the central Home
screen will display rstly. You can also touch the Home button to go to
Home screen. On the Home screen, it allows you to access all the features
installed in your device.
The Home screen is composed of ve screen panels. You can slide your
nger to left or right across the central Home screen to view more widgets,
shortcuts, and other items located on each screen panel. You can also add
shortcuts, widgets or change the desktop wallpaper on each screen panel.
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