A 0 2 3 4 F
Decimal point
(A)Accountant, Fixed (0,2,3,4), (F) Floating.
[0]~ [9] [00] :Numeral keys
[.] :Decimal point key
[+] :Add key
[-] :Subtract key
[×] :Multiplication key
[÷] :Division key
[=] :Equal key
[%] :Percent key
[MS] :Memory subtotal recall key
[MT] :Memory total/ clear key
[ ] :Memory plus key
[ ] :Memory minus key
[D/#] :Date/Number key print key
[ ] :Paper feed key
[ /S] :Subtotal key
[C] :All clear
[CE] :Clear entry key
[ ] :Back space key
[MU/MD ] :Calculates the selling price and
Profit or loss amount on an item
when its cost and gross profit or
loss margin are known
:Prints Profit MARK-UP
X MU Y =X/(1-(Y%))-X
:Prints Profit MARK-DOWN
X MU Y +/-=X/(1-(Y%))-X
[+/- ] :Inverts sign of the displayde number
at key entry.
[TAX+] or [TAX-] :TAX+ Calculates the amount, using the
stored rate, and adds it to the original
price before tax
:TAX- Calculates the amount of tax
to be deducted (using the stored tax
displayed value to find the pre-tax