Your new Verilux HappyLight
Energy Lamp is a remarkable product with many
features and benefits:
• DeliversNaturalSpectrum
Daylight to your home, office, dorm room or
apartment with no dangerous ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths.
• Hasupto6,000LUXofbrightNaturalSpectrumlightperunittoliftspirits,
sharpen concentration and improve energy levels.
• Activatesyourbody’sownenergyenhancerstomakeyoumorealertand
• Isdesignedwithacompactshapeandsmallfootprinttomakeiteasyto
place in a convenient location.
• Includesanenergyefficient,coolburning36Watt10,000hourbulb.
• Comesequippedwithaconvenienton-offpowerswitchoncord.
• Includesbest-in-classpowersystemwithelectronicballastandpatented
Flicker Elimination Technology
to assure no-buzz operation and instant-on,
To help determine if user has sensitivity to light treatment it is recommended that
the user perform this pretest upon first use of this device:
Step 1 - Place the lamp about 18 inches from your face and turn it on (do not look
directly into the lamp).
Step 2 - Operate lamp for approximately 10 minutes and turn it off. If any
discomfort is felt, discontinue use of the lamp and consult a doctor. If
no discomfort is felt, for subsequent use, the user may want to gradually
decrease the distance from the face and increase time used which results
in increased lamp intensity for maximum effect. The user should determine
if any discomfort is felt after each use and make only incremental changes
to the time used and location with each session.
Device Pretest
— continued
• Thislampisnotforusewithlightdimmers,timers,motiondetectors,
voltage transformers or extension cords.
• Donotleavethelampunattendedduringuse.
• Donotusealubricatingagentinbulbassembly.
• Lightbulbsgethotquickly!Donottouchthebulbwhilethelampison.
• UseonlythetypeofbulbandmaximumwattageindicatedbyVerilux
• Nevercoverthelamporplaceanythingontopofitwhenitisinoperation.
• Disconnectlampfromoutletpriortorepeatingthebulbinstallationprocess.