Changing the Fuse
You may need to replace the Rise & Shine
fuse if it no longer brightens and dims
your auxiliary lamp with your Wake and Sleep settings. In order to replace the
fuse, do the following:
• You will need to go to the back of
the unit. There is a black circular
plastic head that holds the fuse.
The part is labeled 1A, 250V.
• Use a fl at head screwdriver and
carefully turn the black head to
the left (counter-clockwise).
• Remove the black head. It will
appear as black cylinder when
you pull it out. The fuse is inside
the cylinder.
• Pull the fuse out.
• Replace the fuse with an identical 1 amp fuse.
Note: Take the fuse to a hardware store to locate a replacement
fuse if you do not have a replacement fuse on hand.