
Redialing a Number
Deleting a Redial Record
You can quickly redial the last 3 numbers dialed on each handset or the last number dialed on the dual-keypad
1. Press .
2. Then press
If you want to delete a phone number from the handset's redial list, follow the steps below:
1. With the phone in standby, press .
2. Use or and to scroll through the redial list.
3. When you find the redial number you want to delete, press .
4. Select YES, and then press or . The redial number is deleted.
From the dual-keypad base From the handset
Note: You can also redial the last number dialed on the handset by pressing [ / flash] or [ ], and then
[redial/pause] [ ] [ ]
[select/ ] [menu/clear]
1. With the phone in standby, press to open the redial list.
2. Use or and to scroll through the redial list.
3. When you find the number you want to dial, press ] or .
[redial/pause] [ ] [ ]
[ / flash [ ]