
S2=43–Escape character set to +.
S2=n–Escape character set to ASCII
character number n. Refer to the table
of ASCII character numbers on page
26. You can set n to any number from 0
to 127.
S3–Define carriage return character
(The default is S3=13)
Sets the ASCII value of the carriage
return character. You can set it to any
value from 0–127.
S4–Define line feed character (The
default is S4=10)
Sets the ASCII value of the line feed
character. You can set it for any value
from 0–127.
S5–Define backspace character (The
default is S5=8)
You can use any value from 0–32 or
S6–Set wait time before dialing (The
default is S6=2)
The time in seconds that the modem
waits after picking up the phone before
it dials. The value can be 2-255
S7–Set carrier detect time limit
register (The default is S7=30)
When you make a telephone
connection, your modem listens for a
carrier signal from the other computer
or TTY. S7 allows you to set the length
of time you want your modem to wait
for the signal before it automatically
hangs up the phone. You can set it to
any number from 0 to 55.
S8–change length of time of comma
(The default is S8=2)
The default time is 2 seconds. You can
change it to any time from 0 to 255
S9–Carrier detect response time (The
default is S9=6)
This register sets the amount of time
the modem must hear an ASCII carrier
signal before it signals CONNECT. The
value is measured in tenths of a
second. The range is 1 (1/10th second)
to 255 (25.5 seconds).
S10–Time between carrier loss and
hang-up (The default is S10=14)
In ASCII mode, the modem
automatically hangs up when it loses
the carrier tone. This register allows
the carrier to disappear for a short
period of time (perhaps due to a bad
connection), without causing the
modem to hang up. The value is
measured in tenths of a second. You
can set it for any number from 1
(1/10th second) to 255 (25.5 seconds).
The value for register S10 should not
be set lower than the value for S9. If it
is, even a momentary loss of carrier
will cause the modem to disconnect.
S11–Tone dialing timing (The default is
This register determines the duration
and spacing of tones in milliseconds
when tone dialing. The range is 50–255
milliseconds. This has no effect on the
speed of pulse dialing, which is fixed at
10 pulses per second.
S12–Escape sequence guard time (The
default is S12=50)
This value is how long of a delay is
required before and after an escape
sequence (normally +++). The time
between characters in the sequence
must be shorter than this value. The
default is 50 1/50th of a second (1
second). The range is 20 (20/50th of a
second) to 255 (25.5 seconds).
S13–Baudot timeout (The default is
When your Intele–Modem is in Auto-
Answer mode and detects a Baudot
call, this register is the amount of time
in seconds the modem will wait
without detecting any code before it
hangs up. The range is 0–255 seconds.
This is an Ultratec extension to the
standard command set.
S14–ASCII seek time (The default is 3)
This register is the amount of time in
seconds the modem puts out an answer
tone after it answers the phone. The
range is 0–255 seconds. This is an
Ultratec extension to the standard
command set.