User’s Manual
If the unit appears to be malfunctioning, read through NORMAL OPER-
ATION first. If the problem persists, check the TROUBLESHOOTING
GUIDE. Locate the problem in the guide and refer to the cause and its
remedy before calling for service. The problem could be something very
simple which can be solved without a service call.
NEVER attempt to repair or perform mainte-
nance on the unit until the main electrical
power has been disconnected.
Troubleshooting — What to check when problems occur
Problem Possible Cause Remedy
The unit does No electrical power Make sure power cord
not operate. to the unit. is plugged in. Check for
blown fuse or tripped
circuit breaker.
Cycle selector switch Make sure cycle selector
set improperly. switch is set to ICE/ON.
Low air temperature Surrounding air
around unit. temperature must be at
least 45°F (7°C).
Unit runs but no No water being Check to see that water
ice is produced. supplied to the unit. is connected and turned
on to the unit.
Unit runs but Dirty condenser coils. Clean the condenser.
produces very See MAINTENANCE.
little ice.
High air temperature Surrounding air
around unit. temperature of over
90°F (32°C). Low ice
production at high
temperatures is normal.
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