Load Module Data File
There are two sheets, "
Module Selection
" and "
Configuration Menu
" shown
initially at the bottom left-hand section of the Excel spreadsheet. Each session
should start at the "
Module Selection
" sheet.
Click on the button This will bring the module data file
import window as shown below in Figure 2.
Note that all module data files have .pwr extensions. If you have not already
downloaded the module data files for the particular modules you wish to analyze,
they will need to be downloaded before you can use the tool.
Choose the module that you want to use in your application by selecting the
corresponding module data file. In this guide, we will use the JFW050A module
as an example.
After highlighting the JFW050A.pwr file, click on the "OK" button or hit "ENTER".
SAT will load the module data file and move to the
Configuration Menu
shown in Figure 3. You may want to save SAT_v1.3.xls file under a different
name so that the original one that you downloaded remains unchanged.
Fig. 2. Module data file import window