F3200 Installation & Programming Manual Document No: LT0122
Page 6-30 5 July 2001 Issue 2.7
Remote Sounder Silence
This option is available in V2.07 or later software. Selecting this option shows a menu of:
1:sysflt reset [Y/N]
2:ffcif actions [Y/N] 3:all commands [Y/N]
These options determine whether a remote networked panel or RDU can silence the buzzer
at this panel. If “sysflt reset” is set to “Y” the buzzer is turned off when a Reset System
Faults command is received from a remote panel. If “FF actions” is set to yes then FF
commands of ACK, RESET or ISOLATE received from RDUs or network panels will silence
the buzzer.
If “all commands” is set to yes then all zone reset and isolate commands sent to this panel
will silence the buzzer.
For V2.09 or later software, pressing the right arrow key from the above menu selects a
further menu as follows.
Global network sounder silence
1:Any Key Tx 2:Cmd Tx 3:Receive
These options apply only to network systems. “Any key TX” when enabled, means that if the
buzzer is sounding locally and is silenced by pressing a key (any key) then a buzzer silence
command is sent to all panels on the network. Option “3:receive” is used to select whether
this panel obeys a buzzer silence command received from another panel on the network.
Option”2:Cmd Tx”, selects whether an operator can initiate the sending of a buzzer silence
command onto the network using a specific command. This operator command is accessed
by pressing the System key from the base display and selecting option 3:Silence All.
Buzzer Mode
NOTE: Some of these options are not available in “older” software.
Selecting the “Buzzer Mode” option shows the following menu.
Buzzer enable 1:Alarms Y/N 2:Zone faults Y/N 3:System faults Y/N
These options allow the selection of whether the buzzer sounds for alarms, zone faults or
system faults.
Pressing the right arrow key from the above menu shows a further menu.
1:Buzzer sound for non-MAF zone faults [Y/N]
2:Fault sounder after 8 hrs fault [Y/N]
Pressing the right arrow key from this menu shows
1:Fault sounder after 8 hrs isolate [Y/N]
The parameter “Buzzer sound for non-MAF zone faults” is used to select whether a fault on
a non-MAF zone should cause the fault buzzer to come on.
Enabling “Fault sounder after 8 hrs fault” re-activates the buzzer if the buzzer has been
silenced due after a fault and the fault has remained for 8 hours. The AS4428.1 Standard
requires this to be enabled.