
No Control Function Control Objects Contents Remark
12 Fuzzy Heater
Deforst Compressor
Evap-Fan Motor
Con-Fan Motor
The Defrost step will be started at following conditions.
1. The compressor has run for 30 minutes.
2. There is no openning the door for 30 minutes.
3. The temperature of D-sensor is lower than 5˚F.
4. The temperature of F-sensor is higher than D-senser's temperature
by 53.6˚F for 10 minutes.
Code Content Perception Method Freezer operation state
F1 F-sensor - Sensor shorted - The compressor runs for 30 minutes and rests for 5 minutes.
Malfunction - Sensor disconnected - Above action will repeat, until it is repaired.
D1 D-sensor - Sensor shorted - Defrost heater will attempt to defrost.
Malfunction - Sensor disconnected - If F-sensor temp. is higher than 28.4˚F then heater goes off.
- Heater turns on for 20 minutes, if F-sensor is in error mode
C1 Cycle, Comp. - When the temperature of the - Normal operation.
Malfunction D-sensor is over 32˚F (Compressor is automatically turned on and off by F-sensor.)
although the compressor has
been running for 30 minutes.
F3 Defrost When the D-sensor temperature - Defrost heater will be come on for 40 minutes
Malfunction doesn't reach 47˚F every time setted.
within 40 minutes. - If the D-sensor's temp. reach 47˚F within 40 minutes, D-
heater will be turned off immediately.
5-3. Self - Diagnosis table
Sensor Operation Description Remarks
F-sensor -Thermistor(Electrical resistance varies with temperature changing) - Wire color is orange.
-Act like thermostat. Detects air temperature.
D-sensor -Thermistor(Electrical resistance varies with temperature changing) - Wire color is blue.
-Act like thermostat. Detects Evap. coil's temperature.
5-4. Sensor Description