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NOTE! You do not have to use a password!
We recommend that you take a password only if you think you’ll really
need it. Future access to a password-protected user code always requires
you to enter the correct password.
NOTE! If you set a password, be careful not to forget it!
If you forget your password, the user data in question cannot be accessed
any more. You’ll then need to contact your Tunturi importer.
NOTE! Gamma 300 cannot provide full data security for your password.
Please keep this in mind when choosing one.
Setting a password
1. To attach a password to your user code, press operation key
Password. The password is four numbers long and you use the
up/down setting keys to select the number and the left/right keys
to move a position forward.
2. Once you have set your password and confi rmed it with operation
key OK, the system prompts for further confi rmation. Enter the
password again and press OK to confi rm.
3. Press OK to exit password set-aup. Accessing password-protected
user data always requires the password; Gamma 300 prompts for
the password when you select a protected user code.
Removing a password
1. Log in to User function with the appropriate password.
2. Press operation key Password.
3. Delete the password you set by pressing None.
4. Press operation key OK to confi rm password removal.
Heart-rate levels
No matter what your goal, you’ll get the best results by training at the
right level of effort, and the best measure is your own heart-rate.Use
operation key Zones to navigate to the heart-rate level display. Gamma
300 calculates your heart-rate level based on your user data. The heart-
rate values on-screen are maximum heart-rate, maximal zone (90 % of
maximum heart-rate), anaerobic zone (80 %), aerobic zone (70 %) and
weight zone (60 %).
NOTE! Due to individual user differences, the calculated heart-rate
values are only estimates. If you know your maximum heart-rate well
enough, you can also enter your heart-rate values with the left/right
setting keys. Please note that in order to give correct user information
to Gamma 300, you need to set all the zone values. Use the up/down
keys to move from one value to another. Operation key Normal resets the
heart-rate levels to those calculated by Gamma 300.
NOTE! You can set a maximum speed in this display to increase user
safety. This operates when you exercise on your own user code in heart-
rate modes.
User data
Operation key Personal allows you to save your personal data items: sex,
date of birth, weight and height. Adjust the values with the up/down
setting keys and navigate with the left/right keys. As you set your
user data, you can also set Gamma 300’s working language. The active
language can be selected separately for each user code.
Units of measurement
Operation key Units changes Gamma 300’s units of measurement. You
can work with weight, height, distance and speed in either metric units
(cm, kg, km, km/h) or avoirdupois (inches, pounds, miles, miles per
hour),or in terms of pedalling rate (rpm). There are three different date
formats and the clock comes with either a 12 or 24 hour readout. Set the
units with the up/down setting keys and navigate with the left/right keys.
Press OK to confi rm the settings.