• Tocreateaterrace,startatthetopoftheslopeandworkdown.Gobackandforth
acrossthefirst rowas shownin Fig.4-10.
• Eachsucceedinglowerterraceisstartedbywalkingbelowtheterraceyou'repre- e_ll_l___....__,_,.. _e
paring. Foraddedstabilityofthetiller,alwayskeeptheuphillwheelinthesoft, new-
ly tilled soil. Donot till the last 12"or moreof the downhill outsideedgeof each _1_
terrace. This untilled strip helps preventsthe terracesfrom breakingapartand
Thetines havea self-clearingaction which eliminatesmosttanglingof debrisin
thetines. However,occasionallydry grass,stringystalksor toughvinesmaybe-
cometangled• Followthese proceduresto helpavoidtanglingandto cleanthe
tines,if necessary.
• To reducetangling, set the depth regulatordeep enoughto get maximum
"chopping"actionasthetines chopthematerialagainsttheground. Also,try to
till undercrop residuesor covercropswhiletheyaregreen,moistandtender.
• While powercomposting,try swayingthe handlebarsfrom sideto side(about
6"to 12'_).This "fishtailing"action oftenclearsthetines of debris.
• Iftanglingoccurs,liftthetinesout ofthesoilandrunthetiller inreverse(if unit
is equippedwith poweredreverse) for a fewfeet. This reversingactionshould
unwinda gooddealof debris•
• Itmaybenecessaryto removethedebrisbyhand
(a pocketknifewill helpyouto cut awaythe mate-
rial).Besuretostop theengineand disconnectthe
spark plugwirebeforeclearingthetines byhand.
_ WARNING: Beforeclearingthe
tines byhand,stop the engine,allow
all moving partsto stop and
disconnect thespark plug wire.
Removethe ignition keyonelectric
start models.
Failureto follow this warning could
result in personalinjury.
LOADINGANDUNLOADING • Usesturdy rampsand manually(engine tiller aheadof you. Havea personat each
THETILLER shut off) roll the tiller into and out of the sideto turn the wheels.
vehicle.Two or morepeopleare neededto • Whengoing down ramps,walk back-
,_ WARNING: Loadingand do this. ward with thetiller following you. Keep
unloadingthe tiller intoa • Theramps must be strong enough to alertfor any obstacles behindyou. Posi-
vehicle ispotentially hazardous support the combined weight of the tiller tion a person at eachwheelto control the
andwedon't recommenddoing and any handlers•Theramps should pro- speedof thetiller• Nevergo down ramps
sounlessabsolutelynecessary, vide goodtraction to preventslipping; they tiller-first, as the tiller could tip forward.
asthis could result in personal should havesiderails to guidethe tiller * Placewooden blocks onthe downhill
injury or property damage• alongthe ramps;and they should havea side ofthe wheels if you needto stop the
However,if you must load or locking deviceto secure them to the tiller from rolling down the ramp. Also,
unloadthetiller, follow the vehicle• usethe blocksto temporarily keepthe tiller
guidelinesgiven next. • Thehandlersshouldwearsturdyfootwear inplaceontheramps(ifnecessary),andto
that will helpto preventshppmg
• Beforeloading or unloading,stopthe en- " " " , chock the wheels in placeafter the tiller is
gine,wait for all partsto stop moving, • Positionthe loading vehicle sothat the in the vehicle.
disconnect the spark plug wire and letthe rampangle isas flat as possible (the less • After loadingthe tiller, prevent it from
engineand muffler cool. inclineto the ramp, thebetter). Turnthe rolling byengagingthe wheels in the
° Thetiller is t°° heavyand bulky t° lift vehicle'sengine °ff and apply its parking WHEELDRIVEposition. Chockthe wheels
safelyby one person Two or more people brake, with blocksandsecurelytie thetiller down.
should sharethe load. • When going up ramps, stand in the
normal operating position andpushthe