OSD Operation (continued)
Adding User Accounts (continued)
Field Description
Username Enter a username for the account here. The username can contain up to 16 characters, and must meet the Account
Policy requirements set in the Security sub-section. (See Security section under Device Management for details.)
Password Enter a password for the account here. The password can contain up to 16 characters, and must meet the Account
Policy requirements set in the Security sub-section. (See Security section under Device Management for details.)
Confirm Password For security purposes you must re-enter the password. If the password does not match the password you just entered in
the previous field, you will not be allowed to save the account information.
Description Enter any additional information that you want to describe the account. This is an optional field.
Role Select the type of account that you will be creating; Super Administrator, Administrator or User. There is no limitation on
the number of each type of account that can be created, only a limit on the number of total accounts. You can create up
to 64 accounts on the KVM switch.
• Super Administrator – This account type has full access to all aspects of the KVM switch. They can fully access all
computers/devices connected to the KVM, change any and all settings, and add/edit any account type.
• Administrator – This account type defaults at full access to the KVM switch, the same as a Super Administrator;
however, which ports the account has Configuration access to is determined by a Super Administrator or
Administrator that creates/edits the account.. Also, Administrators with User Management permission are limited to
adding/editing Administrator and User accounts.
• User – This account type defaults at no access to the KVM switch, and is only given the initial permissions of
Windows Client, Java Client and SSH Client. Super Administrators and Administrators can customize a User profile
however they like. If a User is given User Management permission, they are only allowed to add/edit other User
Permissions The permission settings in this section of the user information page determine what functionality the account is able to
use. Check the checkbox next to the permission to enable it for the account. Leave it unchecked to deny the account
access to that functionality.
• Device Management – Gives an account to access to the KVM settings found in the Device Management section,
such as network and advanced network management (ANMS) settings. (See Device Management section under
OSD Operation for details.) If this checkbox is not checked, the Device Management icon will not appear when the
account logs into the OSD.
• Port Configuration – Allows an account to edit the Port Configuration settings for individual KVM ports. (See Port
Configuration section for details.) Note: The Port Configuration setting simply allows for an account to be given
Configuration access to the connected ports. Configuration permission for each port must still be given via the
Access sub-section of the Port Access section, or via the Devices tab in the Adding/Editing Users section.
• User Management – Allows an account to add/edit other accounts. Administrators can add/edit Administrator and
User accounts. Users can add/edit other User accounts. Super Administrators can add/edit all account types. If this
checkbox is not checked, the User Management icon will not appear when the account logs into the OSD.
• Maintenance – Gives the account access to the settings and functionality found in the Maintenance section, which
includes upgrading the KVM and SIU firmware, and backing up and restoring the KVM settings, in addition to other
features. (See Maintenance section for details.) If this checkbox is not checked, the Maintenance icon will not appear
when the account logs into the OSD.
• System Log – Gives the account access to the Log section of the OSD, where they can view events that have taken
place on the installation and customize notification settings. (See Log section for details.) If this checkbox is not
checked, the Log icon will not appear when the account logs into the OSD.
• View Only – Limits the account to viewing the video of connected computers only. They will not be able to perform
keyboard and mouse functions.
• Windows Client – Gives the account access to the browser and non-browser versions of the Windows client.
• Java Client – Gives the account access to the browser and non-browser versions of the Java client.
• SSH Client – Allows the account access to the KVM switch via a SSH client.
• Telnet Client – Allows the account to access the KVM switch via a Telnet Client.
• Force to Grayscale – Forces the account to view remote video in black and white.
Status This section determines how long an account or password has until it expires or needs to be changed.
• Disable Account – Disables an account, preventing it from accessing the KVM switch. This gives you an alternative
to deleting the account, in which you can disable the account, and then reinstate it in the future without having to re-
enter the account settings.
• Account Never Expires – If this option is checked, the account will stay active forever, or until deactivated manually.
• Account Expires On – To set a date for the account to be disabled on, check this checkbox and enter in a date in the
corresponding field.
• User Must Change Password at Next Logon – To force the account to change their password the next time they
logon, check this checkbox. The next time the account logs on, they will be prompted to enter in a new password.
• User Cannot Change Password – Check this checkbox to prevent the user from changing their password on their
• Password Never Expires – If this option is checked, the account’s password will stay active forever, or until manually
forced to be changed.
• Password Expires After – To force an account to change their password after a certain number of days, check this
checkbox and enter in the number of days until the password expires.
User Management (continued)