
Selecting the Active Port
EachportontheKVMisassignedafourdigitportID,whichcanbeusedwheninHotkey Setting Mode to switch the focus of
1. Activate Hotkey Setting Mode using the aforementioned command.
2. KeyinthedesiredportID.
3. Press the [Enter] key.
After pressing the [Enter]key,thefocusoftheKVMwillswitchtotheselectedportandyouwillexitHotkey Setting Mode.
Note: When in a single stage installation, you do not need to enter the entire four digit port ID. For example, to access port 4,
you can simply type in 4 or 04 and press the [Enter] key.
Initiate an Auto Scan
Auto Scanallowsyoutoswitchbetweenportsatregularintervalswithouthavingtomanuallyswitchbetweenthem.Bydefault,
the Scan Duration is set at 5 second intervals. The Scan DurationcanbechangedviatheOSD(seetheScanDurationsetting
only computers that are accessed are those that are accessible to the logged on user. To initiate an Auto Scan,performthe
1. Activate Hotkey Setting Mode using the aforementioned command.
2. Press and release the [A] key.
3. Press and release the [Enter] key.
WheninAuto Scanmode,normalkeyboardandmouseoperationaresuspended.Youcanpressthe[P] key to pause at the
currentlyselectedport,andpressanykeytoresumescanning.ToexitAuto Scanmode,pressthe[Esc] key or [Spacebar]
key. Auto ScanwillstopscanningattheportthatcurrentlyhastheKVMsfocus.
Initiate an Auto Scan at a Desired Time Interval
To initiate an Auto Scanusingadesiredtimeinterval,performthefollowingcommand:
1. Activate Hotkey Setting Mode using the aforementioned command.
2. Press and release the [A] key.
3. Enter in a Scan Duration from 1 to 255 seconds.
4. Press and release the [Enter] key.
Note: This hotkey command will not only perform the current Auto Scan at the desired interval, it will also change the Scan
Duration in the OSD.
Skip Mode
SimilartoAutoScanmode,Skip Modeallowsyoutoeasilymonitortheconnectedcomputers.UnlikeAutoScanMode,
Skip Modeallowsyoutomonitorconnectedcomputersatyourleisure,withoutautomaticallyjumpingtothenextportafter
a set time interval. Skip Mode alsoallowsyoutojumpbackandforthbetweenports,asopposedtoanAutoScan,which
automaticallyskipstothenextavailableport.Toinitiate Skip Mode,performthefollowingcommand:
1. Activate Hotkey Setting Mode using the aforementioned command.
2. Pressandreleaseoneofthearrowkeys(i,h,g,f).YouwillautomaticallybeenteredintoSkip Mode and sent to either
key you pressed.
3. Once in Skip Mode,youcanpressanarrowkeytojumptoanotherport.
•Pressingthef key will take you to the previous port
•Pressingtheh key will take you to the last port in the installation
WheninSkip Mode,normalkeyboardandmouseoperationaresuspended.ToexitSkip Mode,pressthe [Esc] key or