
Before You Start
$When re-heating liquids such as meat stews see that the Avoid containers which narrow at the top as these may cause the
liquid boils for around 3-5 minutes to ensure the pieces of contents to erupt when removed from the oven.
Please read this section together with the Safety Guide on Page 2.
meat are completely heated through.
Tesco stores stock a wide range of microwave containers and
$Stir liquids and purees before during and after cooking to
wraps designed for microwave ovens. Plastic films should not
Is it cooked?
distribute the heat evenly. Mashed potato will cook more
touch food as they may gas, melt or break down when hot and
$Temperature should reach 70º C for meat, fish and eggs.
evenly and more thoroughly if lightly covered.
contaminate food.
$Fish should be opaque and flake easily.
$ Never tightly cover food. Always cover it loosely.
Wax paper, oven cooking bags, parchment paper and white
$ Do not allow plastic film to touch food as it may chemically
microwave paper towels are safe for microwave use. Wooden
break down, melt or even catch fire and contaminate the food.
$Only defrost food in the microwave if you plan to cook the
objects may catch fire - so avoid their use.
food immediately after it has thawed. Some areas of the food
Do not use aluminium foil for microwave cooking unless the
$Arrange food in the dish so that the thicker part is on the
may begin to cook during defrosting, which can allow
recipe requires it. Keep foil at least 25mm away from the oven
outside and the thinner part inside for more even cooking.
bacteria can flourish. Do not cook defrosted raw meat in a
walls. Metal skewers, ties, etc. should be removed from food
Fold under the thin edges of fish fillets and tapered foods.
microwave oven.
before cooking.
$6-7 minutes per 500 gr. will cook most fruit and vegetables.
$Remove the food from the wrapping, place it on a microwave
Seafood takes less time.
Some basic guidelines are given in the table below.
safe dish. Rotate and re-arrange food during defrosting.
$Different foods require different temperatures to cook. Add
Where appropriate, stir the food and if possible, separate the
more minutes as you drop the power.
food items and remove those which have already defrosted.
$Up to 20% of the cooking takes place after the oven turns off
so always remember that your food will continue cooking
About Your Microwave Oven
after you've removed it.
The microwave power output of your oven is 700 watts.
$Food that takes an hour in to cook in a regular oven should
Because the temperature in a microwave oven is relatively cool
take around 15 minutes in the microwave.
you have to remember that the food can be extremely hot.
$Foods with baking powder should stand a few minutes
Always take precautions when handling containers.
before cooking to allow the leavening agents to work.
Auto Cook buttons
$If a recipe calls for milk and water, reduce the water.
$Rotate large items of food occasionally during cooking to
encourage even heat distribution.
Radio Interference:
$Food cooks best and reheats better in a round dish or a dish
with curved sides.
$Salt attracts microwaves. Don't just sprinkle it on food before
cooking, stir it in or add it later.
$Fats and sugars attract microwaves - thoroughly mix sugar
with other ingredients. Care should be taken when cooking
foods with high sugar or fat contents as they can reach very
high temperatures.
Suitable and unsuitable containers:
$Handle pastry-wrapped foods like mince pies carefully as the
filling gets hotter than the pastry.
Use heat resistant porcelain, glass or plastic containers made for
microwave ovens, otherwise there is a risk of shrinking,
Hints for reheating food
deforming or burning. Metal containers, or containers having
$Heat leftovers and pre-cooked food to at least 70°C. Food
metal decoration or trim are not suitable for use with your
should be hot and steaming before it is served.
microwave oven.
Hints for defrosting
Your oven has 6 Auto Cook keys. These allow you to automate the
cooking of a range of standard foods for greater convenience.
Operation of the microwave oven can cause interference to your
radio, TV or similar equipment. When there is interference, it may
be reduced or eliminated by taking the following measures:
$Clean the door and sealing surface of the oven.
$Reorient the receiving antenna of radio or television.
$Relocate the microwave oven with respect to the receiver.
$Move the microwave oven away from the receiver.
Getting Started
Please read all the instructions and the safety notes and
familiarise yourself with the features and operation of your oven
before use.
Unpacking the Microwave Oven
Remove the polystyrene top packing pieces and lift out the oven.
Unpack the oven completely removing all the protective tape.
Open the oven door. In the oven compartment you should find
the turntable and rotating support ring. Unpack all these items .
Check the oven carefully, especially the door, door seals and the
locking mechanism. If any items are missing or damaged, contact
your nearest Tesco store for assistance.
If possible retain the packaging. If you dispose of the packaging,
do so having regard to recycling provisions in your area.
Useful Information
Heatproof plastic Ordinary plastic
Microwaveable film
Metal Grilles
Metal containers
Heat-resistant glass Ordinary glass