TV-IP612P/WN (Wireless N) Pan/Tilt/Zoom Internet Camera
Recording Options
Resolution: Select the profile from the drop-down menu. Refer to the Audio and Video section for
more information on profiles.
Record File Size: Select from 1 to 10 minutes in the pull-down menu.
Record until: Enter the minimum available hard drive space that must be left free and available for
use when recording.
When Storage is Full: Use the Stop Recording setting to stop the recording when there is no
longer any hard drive space. Otherwise use the Overwrite older recordings setting to record over
old data when there is no longer any hard drive space.
Event Based: Click this setting to use event based triggering
Motion detection triggered recording: Select this
option to start recording upon motion being
Digital input 1 triggered recordings: Select
this option to start recording upon Digital Input
1 sending an active signal.
Prerecord Seconds: This settings causes the
camera to buffer a certain amount of video set in
this field to save when motion is detected. The
maximum amount of pre-detection video recorded
is 15 seconds.
Postrecord Seconds: Once event-base triggered recording begins and the event (for example
motion detection) has ceased it will continue recording for the amount of time set here. A maximum
post-event recording time of 15 seconds is settable.
Continuous: Selecting this option causes the camera to record video continuously. Only for use
with Samba.
Scheduled: Selecting this option allows you to manually schedule when the recordings with begin
and end each day.