Thank you for purchasing a Traxxas electric model equipped
with the new Velineon
Brushless Power System. This manual
covers the Rustler
VXL Stadium race truck, the Bandit
VXL buggy,
and the Stampede
VXL monster truck. The Velineon Power System
lets you experience the best that brushless motor technology has
to offer. Incredible speed, efcient operation, long run times, and
low-maintenance operation are just some of the benets.
No matter which model you have selected, we are condent you
will be rewarded with high-speed performance in a durable,
long-lasting product.
This manual contains the instructions you will need to operate,
and maintain your model so that you can enjoy it for years to come.
We want you to feel condent that you own one of the best-
performing models in the market and that it is backed by a team
of professionals who aim to provide the highest level of factory
support possible. Traxxas models are about experiencing total
performance and satisfaction, not just with your model, but also
with the company that stands behind it.
We know you’re excited about getting your new model on the
road, but it’s very important that you take some time to read
through the Owners Manual. This manual contains all the necessary
set-up and operating procedures that will allow you to unlock
the performance potential that Traxxas engineers designed into
your model. Also be sure to read and follow the precautions and
warnings in this manual and on any labels or tags attached to your
model. They are there to educate you on how to operate your
model safely and also get maximum life and performance from
your model.
Even if you are an experienced R/C enthusiast, it’s important to
read and follow the procedures in this manual.
Thank you again for going with Traxxas. We work hard every day
to assure you receive the highest level of customer satisfaction
possible. We truly want you to enjoy your new model!
Traxxas Support
Traxxas support is with you every step of the
way. Refer to the next page to nd out how to
contact us and what your support options are.
Quick Start
This manual is designed with a Quick
Start path that outlines the necessary
procedures to get your model up
and running in the shortest time possible. If you are an
experienced R/C enthusiast you will nd it helpful and fast.
Be sure and read through the rest of the manual to learn
about important safety, maintenance, and adjustment
procedures. Turn to page 9 to begin.
3 before you proceed
4 safety precautions
5 tools, supplies and
required equipment
anatomy of
the rustler vxl
anatomy of
the stampede vxl
anatomy of
the bandit vxl
quick start:
getting up to speed
gluing tires
and decorating
your model
The Traxxas TQ
Radio and Velineon
Brushless Power
adjusting the
electronic speed
21 driving your model
22 basic tuning
24 maintaining
your model
25 troubleshooting
26 advanced tuning