Features and
The UniTrane
fan-coil meets the
standards of today’s market, as well as
the anticipated needs of tomorrow’s
market. The tradition that company
founder Reuben Trane began 60 years
ago continues with the latest generation
of fan-coils from The Trane Company.
The UniTrane
fan-coil is the leader in
these key areas:
• Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
• Controls
• Flexibility
• Quality
• Serviceability
Today’s HVAC market is concerned with
issues such as indoor air quality (IAQ) and
CFCs that demand a change in HVAC
products. In addition, renovation has
overtaken new construction in the fan-coil
market—demanding a design that caters
to renovation issues. Trane is concerned
with these issues, too. That’s why we
designed the UniTrane fan-coil as an
integral part of the company’s system
solutions with standard IAQ-related
features that fully comply with
IAQ Design
• Closed-cell insulation is standard on all
units to help prevent fiberglass in the
• The main and auxiliary drain pans are
constructed of a noncorrosive engi-
neered plastic (ABS and CyColac T).
• The main and auxiliary drain pans are
positively sloped in every plane to
assure proper drainage and help
maximize protection from microbial
• The drain pans are removable for
• Easy filter access encourages frequent
• The auto-economizer damper option
allows free cooling and ventilation to
help comply with ASHRAE 62—and
save energy and operating costs.
• UniTrane fan-coils have a blow-thru
design. Low vertical units are draw-
• All controls are factory-mounted and
tested to minimize field setup.
• Controls are wired with a 24 VAC
transformer to keep only a single
source power connection requirement
to the unit.
• All wall-mounted zone sensors require
only low voltage control wiring from the
device to the unit control box. (No line
• The Tracer
controls family introduces
the latest in control technology with the
ZN.010, ZN.510, and ZN.520 controllers.
• The controller automatically determines
the unit’s correct operating mode (heat/
cool) by utilizing a proportional/integral
(PI) control algorithm to maintain the
space temperature at the active
setpoint, allowing total comfort control.
• Entering water temperature sampling
eliminates the need for inefficient
bleedlines to sense automatic
changeover on two-pipe changeover
• The random start-up feature helps
reduce electrical demand peaks by
randomly staggering multiple units at
• Occupied/unoccupied operation allows
the controller to utilize unoccupied
temperature setpoints for energy
• Warm-up and cool-down energy
features are standard with Trane
• Continuous fan or fan cycling is available
with ZN.010 or ZN.510.
• Monitor unit operation using Tracer
Summit building management system
with ZN.510 or ZN.520.
• To customize unit control, Tracer Summit
or Rover
software will allow field
modification of ZN.510 and ZN.520
default settings. For ZN.010, use Rover
to field modify default settings.
• Maximize fan-coil system efficiency with
free cooling economizers and modulat-
ing valves on units with ZN.520.
• Two, three, and four-row coils allow
greater design flexibility in two and
four-pipe systems.
• One-row steam or hot water reheat
coils for dehudification on units with
ZN.520 controls.
• Fan motors are available for either high
static (0.4-inch external static pressure)
or free discharge applications.
• Piping is factory assembled, mounted
and tested. Units are also available
without piping. Reheat coil piping is
available on 2-pipe units with hot water
reheat coils and either a fan speed
switch or Tracer ZN.520.
• Factory piping options include intercon-
necting piping, control valves, and end
valves. Deluxe piping also has unions
and a strainer.
• Control options range from a simple fan
speed switch to a DDC controller that
can tie into a Tracer Summit
automation system.
• An 8-inch (20 cm) extended end pocket is
an available option on the piping end of
cabinet style units.
• Slope-top vertical cabinet units are also
available for school and dormitory
applications to prevent items from
being placed on top of the units.
• Coils and piping packages are air and
leak-tested before mounting on the fan-
• Coil piping connections are also air and
leak-tested after mounting on the unit.
• All control end devices and moving
components (fans and motors) are
computer-tested after units are
• Filters are easily removable and
changed without removing the front
panel on vertical cabinet units.
• Motors are easy to disconnect from the
fan board, allowing easy service.
• The main and auxiliary drain pans are
easily removable and wipe clean with a
wet cloth.
• The manual output test function is an
invaluable troubleshooting tool. By
simply pressing the test button on the
ZN.510, ZN.520, or ZN.010;
service personnel can manually
exercise outputs in a pre-defined