Parameter Overview
Parameter List
Nr. Title Default value Range
sion index
8-01 Control Site Dig. and ctrl. word [0] [0 - 2] - 5
8-02 Control Source Drive RS485 [0] [0 - 4] - 5
8-03 Control Timeout Time 1 s 0.1–18000 - 1 7
8-04 Control Timeout Function Off [0] [0 - 10] - 5
8-05 End-of-timeout Function Hold set-up [0] [0 - 1] - 5
8-06 Reset Control Timeout Do not reset [0] [0 - 1] - 5
8-07 Diagnosis Trigger Disable [0] [0 - 3] - 5
8-10 Control Profile Drive profile [0] [0 - x] - 5
8-30 Protocol Drive
8-31 Address 1 [0 – 255]
8-32 Baudrate 38,400 [0 – 7]
8-33 Parity/Stop Bits No Parity, 1 Stop Bit
8-35 Minimum Response Delay 10mS
8-36 Max Response Delay 5000mS
8-37 Max Inter-Char Delay 25.00mS
8-50 Coasting Select Logic OR [3] [0 - 3] - 5
8-52 DC Brake Select Logic OR [3] [0 - 3] - 5
8-53 Start Select Logic OR [3] [0 - 3] - 5
8-54 Reversing Select Logic OR [3] [0 - 3] - 5
8-55 Set-up Select Logic OR [3] [0 - 3] - 5
8-56 Preset Reference Select Logic OR [3] [0 - 3] - 5
8-70 BACnet Device Instance 1 [1-4194304] -
8-72 MS/TP Max Masters 127 [1-127] -
8-73 MS/TP Max Info Frames
8-74 “I am” Service Once at power-up [0] [0-1] -
8-75 Initialization Password “admin” String[19]
Table 6. 1: BACnet specific parameter list
Please refer to the
TR200 Drive Instruction Manual, MG.12.HX.YY
for a comprehensive parameter list or to the
TR200 Drive Programming Guide, MG.12.JX.YY
for detailed descriptions of parameters.
TR200 BACnet 6-1