96 Chiller System Design and Control SYS-APM001-EN
It is vital to have a clear understanding of chilled-water system concepts and
their application. There is nothing particularly complex about the principles
involved. Instead, system design is simply a matter of exercising a few key rules
of applied physics.
A myriad of choices are available for the design and operation of chilled-water
systems. These choices include flow rates, temperatures, system
configurations, and control options. After determining the needs and wants of
the building owner and chiller plant operator, judicious use of these choices
allows designers to provide solutions that add real value. When applying the
principles in this manual, it is important to remember the following rules:
Rule 1. Strive for simplicity. Simple does not always mean using the fewest
components. Simplicity is usually elegant in its ability to be universally
Rule 2. If the system designer can explain how a design works, there is a good
chance that the system will function well. If the designer can’t explain how the
design works, there is no chance that the system will operate efficiently.
Rule 3. If the system operator understands the designer’s explanation of how
the system works, there is a good chance that the system will work. If the
system operator doesn’t understand the explanation, there is no chance that
the system will operate efficiently.