Condenser Fan and Motors
Vertical discharge direct-drive fans are
statically and dynamically balanced. Fan
motors are three-phase with
permanently lubricated ball bearings,
built-in current and thermal overload
Condenser Coil
Condenser coils have configured
aluminum fins mechanically bonded to
3/8-inch OD copper tubing. Two
refrigerant circuits with separate
subcooling circuits are standard. Coils
are factory-tested at 450 psig air pressure
underwater and vacuum dehydrated.
Unit Control
Factory-provided 115-volt control circuit
includes fusing and control power
transformer. The unit is wired with
magnetic contactors for compressor and
condenser motors, three-leg, solid-state
compressor overload protection, and
high-low pressure cutouts. Charge
isolation, reset relay and anti-recycle
compressor timer are provided.
20 through 120-ton
Evaporator Chiller
Shell and tube design with seamless
copper tubes expanded into tube sheets
with removable heads. 20, 25 and 30-ton
units are single-circuited; 40 through
120-ton are dual-circuited. The 20-60 ton
evaporators are designed for a water
side working pressure of 300 psig.
70-120 ton evaporators are designed for
150 psig water side working pressure.
The units are designed, tested and
stamped in accordance with the ASME
Code for unfired pressure vessels for a
refrigerant side working pressure of 225
psig. Evaporator chillers are provided
with fittings for temperature sensors and
a drain plug for cleaning.
20 through 60-ton
Condensing Units
All air-cooledcondensing units have
scroll compressors and are factory
assembled and wired. Each unit is
shipped from the factory with a nitrogen
holding charge. Units are constructed of
14-gauge welded galvanized steel frame
with 14 and 16-gauge galvanized steel
panels and access doors. Unit surface is
phosphatized and finished with an air-dry
paint. This air-dry paint finish is durable
enough to withstand a 1000-consecutive-
hour salt spray application in accordance
with standard ASTM B117.
Trane 3-D
Scroll compressors have
simple mechanical design with only
three major moving parts. Scroll type
compression provides inherently low
vibration. The 3-D Scroll provides a
completely enclosed compression
chamber which leads to increased
efficiency. Exhaustive testing on the 3-D
Scroll, including start up with the shell
full of liquid, has proven that slugging
does not fail involutes. Direct-drive, 3600
rpm, suction gas-cooled hermetic motor.
Trane 3-D Scroll compressor includes
centrifugal oil pump, oil level sightglass
and oil charging valve.
Condenser coils have configured
aluminum fins mechanically bonded to
copper tubing with an integral subcooler.
Condensers are factory leak tested at 450
psig air pressure underwater. Direct
drive vertical discharge fans are statically
and dynamically balanced. Three-phase
motors have permanently lubricated ball
bearings and thermal overload
protection. Optional low ambient allows
operating down to 0°F with external
damper assembly for head pressure
Refrigerant Circuits and Capacity
20 through 30-ton sizes are single circuit
and have two steps of capacity. The 40
through 60-ton sizes are two circuits with
four capacity steps. Each circuit has two
compressors piped in parallel. Discharge
and liquid line service valves are
standard on each circuit.
Unit Control
Factory-provided 115-volt control circuit
includes fusing and control power
transformer. The unit is wired with
magnetic contactors for compressor and
condenser motors, three-leg, solid-state
compressor overload protection, and
high-low pressure cutouts. Charge
isolation, reset relay and anti-recycle
compressor timer are provided.
80 through 120-ton
Condensing Units
The unit frame is a one-piece welded
assembly of heavy gauge zinc-coated
steel. Exterior surfaces are phosphatized
and finished with slate gray air-dry paint.
This air-dry paint finish exceeds 672
consecutive hour salt spray resistance in
accordance with ASTM B117. Decorative
louvered panels provide factory standard
condenser coil protection.
Trane 3-D
Scroll compressors have a
simple mechanical design with only
three major moving parts. Scroll type
compression provides inherently low
vibration. The 3-D Scroll provides a
completely enclosed compression
chamber which leads to increased
efficiency. Exhaustive testing on the 3-D
Scroll, including start up with the shell
full of liquid, has proven that slugging
does not fail involutes. Direct-drive, 3600
rpm, suction gas-cooled hermetic motor.
Trane 3-D Scroll compressor includes
centrifugal oil pump, oil level sightglass
and oil charging valve.
Split systems can have significantly more
refrigerant than packaged systems and
thus require controls to reliably manage
this excess refrigerant. Each compressor
shall have crankcase heaters installed,
properly sized to minimize the amount of
liquid refrigerant present in the oil sump
during off cycles. Additionally, the
condensing unit shall have controls to
initiate a refrigerant pump down cycle at
system shut down on each refrigerant
circuit. To be operational, the refrigerant
pump down cycle requires a field-
installed isolation solenoid valve on the
liquid line near the evaporator.