Te ch Vi ew
Feature Condenser Fan/Motor Configuration N - Condenser fans with ODP motors
W - Low Noise fans
T - Condenser fans with TEAO motors
Compressor Motor Starter Type X - Across-the-line starters
Y - Wye-delta closed transition starters
Incoming Power Line Connection 1 - Single point power connection
2 - Dual point power connection (1/ckt)
Power Line Connection Type T - Terminals only
D - Non-fused disconnect switch(es)
C - Circuit Breaker(s), HACR-rated
Unit Operator Interface E - Easy-View operator interface
D -Dyna-View operator interface
Remote Interface N - No remote interface
C - Tracer Comm 3 interface
L -Lon Talk Communication interface (LCI)
Control Input Accessories/Options N -No remote input
R -Remote leaving water temp stpt
C -Remote current limit setpoint
B -Remote lvg. temp.setpoint and remote current
limit setpoint
Control Output Accessories/Options N -No output options
A -Alarm relay
C -Icemaking
D -Icemaking and alarm relay
Short Circuit Rating 0 - No short circuit withstand rating
5 -10000A SCR
4 -35000A SCR
6 -65000A SCR
Electrical Accessories and Export Packing N - No flow switches
F - NEMA-1 flow switch - 150 psi
E - Vapor Proof FS - 150 psi
Control Panel Accessories N - No convenience outlet
A - 15A 115V convenience outlet (60HZ)
Refrigerant Service Valves 0 - No suction services valves
1 - Suction service valves
Compressor Sound Attenuator Option 0 - No sound attenuator
1 - Factory installed sound attenuator
Appearance Options N - No appearance options
A - Architectural louvered panels
C - Half Louvers
G - Access guards
B - Access guards and half louvers
P - Painted unit
L - Painted unit with full louvered panels
H - Painted unit with half louvered panels
K - Painted unit with access guards
W - Painted w/access guards and half louvers
Table 36 Configuration View Items
Tab Item Default Description