Features and
RTAA 70-125 Chiller Highlights
• High Reliability, with over 99%
compressor reliability rate in the first
year of operation, and Adaptive
Controls to keep the chiller on line
producing cold water during adverse
• High Efficiency (all units exceed
ASHRAE 90.1 efficiency standard).
• Low sound levels.
• Small footprint, with smallest required
application space (operating footprint)
in the industry.
• Years of research, testing, and
successful applications. The Trane
helical rotary compressor has amassed
thousands of hours of testing, much of
it at severe operating conditions. Not
to mention the successful application
of RTAA chillers for over 11 years, with
a developed reputation as the industry
• Trouble free startup through factory
testing of compressor and completed
chiller and factory installation of chiller
• +/- ½°F leaving water temperature
control, resulting from PID feed-
forward controls, and linear load
matching, also allowing for 10% flow
rate change per minute while
maintaining ± ½°F leaving water
temperature control.
Trane helical rotary screw compressor
component parts versus reciprocating
compressor components.