Model Number
Digits 01, 02, 03, – Chiller series
CGWF = Water cooled scroll
CCAF = Scroll compressor chiller
Digits 04, – Development sequence
Digits 05, 06, 07 – Unit nominal tonnage
020 = 20 Nominal tons
025 = 25 Nominal tons
030 = 30 Nominal tons
040 = 40 Nominal tons
050 = 50 Nominal tons
060 = 60 Nominal tons
Digit 08 – Unit voltage
G = 208-230/60/3
D = 380/60/3
N = 400/50/3
4 = 460/60/3
5 = 575/60/3
Digit 09 – Ship Cycle
C = Made to order
(C) = Packed stock (Contact BU)
Digit 10, 11 – Design sequence
XX = Factory/ABU assigned
Digit 12 – Agency listing
N = No agency listing
U = C/UL listing
Digit 13 – Pressure vessel code
A = ASME code
C = Canadian code
Digit 14 – Shipping package
A = Ship via flat bed truck
B = Ship w/shrink wrap bag and skid
C = Ship w/skid
Digit 15 – Condenser temperature range
0 = None - CCAF units
1 = Standard 60-90°F [15.6-32.2°C]
entering water temp
4 = High 90-130°F [32.2-54.4°C] entering
water temp
Model Number Description
CGW F 020 4 C A0 U A A 1 C L 1 D 0 N N 0 0 N 0 X 0 X
1,2,3 4 5,6,7 8 9 10,11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Digit 16 – Condenser tube material
N = None - CCAF units
C = Std copper finned tubes
Digit 17 – Condenser water connections
N = None - CCAF units
L = Left hand cond water connections
R = Right hand cond water connections
Digit 18 – Evaporator temperature range
1 = Standard cooling 40-60°F [4.4-15.6°C]
2 = Ice making 26-39°F [-3.3-3.9°C]
3 = Low temp 10-25°F [-12.2-(-3.9)°C]
4 = Standard cooling/Ice making 20-60°F
Digit 19 – Power line connection type
T = Terminal block
D = Non-fused disconnect switch
Digit 20 – Short circuit rating
0 = No short circuit rating
1 = With short circuit rating
Digit 21 – Control input options
N = No options
R = Remote chilled water setpoint input
C = Remote compressor inhibit and/or
icemaking input
B = Remote CWS and compressor
inhibit/icemaking input
Digit 22 – Control output options
N = No options
P = Programmable relays for remote
alarm, run, etc.
Digit 23 – Auxiliary sensor options
0 = None
1 = Condenser water temp sensors
(CGWF only)
2 = Outdoor temp sensor -
CWR or Amb Lockout
3 = Both condenser and outdoor
temp sensor
Digit 24 – Communication options
0 = None
3 = Tracer Summit interface
5 = LonTalk LCI-C interface
Digit 25 – Hot gas bypass
N = NO HGBP valve/function
H = HGBP function included
Digit 26 – Sound attenuator
0 = No sound attenuator
1 = Sound attenuator - factory installed
Digit 27 – Ship-with accessories -
isolators, WRV
X = No ship-with accessories
N = Neoprene isolators
A = 1.5" 2-way water reg valve x 1
B = 2" 2-way water reg valve x 1
C = 2.5" 2-way water reg valve x 1
D = 1.5" 2-way water reg valve x 2
E = 2" 2-way water reg valve x 2
F = 2.5" 2-way water reg valve x 2
G = Neo isolators + 1.5" WRV x 1
H = Neo isolators + 2" WRV x 1
J = Neo isolators + 2.5" WRV x 1
K = Neo isolators + 1.5" WRV x 2
L = Neo isolators + 2" WRV x 2
M = Neo isolators + 1.5" WRV x 2
Digit 28 – Ship-with accessories - flow
0 = No flow switches
1 = 150 psi NEMA-1 flow switch
(FS4-3) x 1
2 = 150 psi NEMA-1 flow switch
(FS4-3) x 2
4 = 150 psi NEMA-4 flow switch
(FS8-W) x 1
5 = 150 psi NEMA-4 flow switch
(FS8-W) x 2
Digit 29 – Design special
X = Unit has no special features
S = Unit has special design feature