Transfer the results from the compressor
and condenser plots to Chart SP-1 and do
the following. Draw a line through the
two points representing gross heat
compressor capacities less subcooling
(105.6 and 82.3). Draw a line through the
two points representing condenser gross
heat of rejection (55.4 and 82.3).
At the point of intersection of the
compressor and condenser lines draw
dashed lines to the left and bottom
margins of Chart SP-1. The end points of
these lines will show a resultant gross
condenser capacity of 93.8 tons at 129.4 F
condensing temperature.
From chart PD-2 calculate the percent
increase in capacity due to subcooling.
When selecting a combination of
equipment, it becomes necessary to
match the compressor and condenser
performance. The following procedure
should be used in determining the
correct condenser.
Determine the total cooling load and the
evaporator sst and compressor required.
Given – Total cooling load = 96 tons
– Ambient temp = 95 F
– Evaporator sst = 45 F
– Compressor – CUAB-D10E
The compressor was selected from
COM-DS-1 catalog according to the sst
and maximum acceptable condensing
temperature for adequate compressor
Plot at least two gross compressor
capacities (less subcooling) at the design
suction temperature and different
condensing temperatures. (subcooling
factor is .047% per deg. F subcooling, 16
F for CUAB-D10E)
(From COM-DS-1)
CUAB-D10E Compressor at 45 F sst.
115 F condensing temperature = 113.5
tons divided by 1.075 subcooling factor =
105.6 tons.
125 F condensing temperature = 105.1
tons divided by 1.075 subcooling factor =
97.8 tons
Plot two gross condenser heat rejection
points on chart PD-1 divided by the
compressor N factor (Table PD-1 to PD-3)
at different condensing temperatures.
Example: Anticipating 100 ton
condenser to meet design load of 96
Gross Heat
of Rejection
Temp ITD (MBh) = Tons ÷ N Factor = Tons
115 at 20 = 830 = 69.2 ÷ 1.25* = 55.4
125 at 30 = 1285 = 107.1 ÷ 1.30* = 82.3
*N factor corrected from Table PD-2
sst – saturated suction temperature
F – degree Fahrenheit
N – compressor factor
ITD – initial temperature difference
At 95 F ambient and 129.4 F condensing
temperature there is a 10.1% increase in
capacity due to subcooling. This yields a
system net capacity of 93.8 tons x 110%
= 103.2 tons.
If necessary use the values in Table PD-4
to adjust the system capacity for altitude.
Compare this result with the design
capacity and condensing temperature.
The required cooling load is 96 tons,
therefore, the CAUC-D10 is the proper
Repeat the process steps B through G as
necessary to achieve the most economic
condenser selection.