TL-WA7510N 5GHz 150Mbps Outdoor Wireless Access Point User Guide
z Enable VLAN- Check this box to enable the VLAN function. The AP supports up to 4 VLANs.
All wireless PCs in the VLANs are able to access this AP. The AP can also work with an IEEE
802.1Q Tag VLAN supporting Switch. If this Switch enables the Tag VLAN function, besides
all wireless PCs, only the PCs in the VLAN same with SSID1 are able to access the AP. If a
PC is directly connected to the LAN port of the AP, please make sure that its adapter
supports Tag function, or this PC will not be able to access the AP.
z SSID- Enter a value of up to 32 characters. The same Name (SSID) must be assigned to all
wireless devices in your network. In Multi-SSID operation mode, enter SSID for each BSS in
the field "SSID1" ~ "SSID4".
z VLAN ID- The ID of a VLAN. Only in the same VLAN can a wireless PC and a wired PC
communicate with each other. The value can be between 1 and 4095. If the VLAN function is
enabled, when AP forwards packets, the packets out from the LAN port will be added with an
IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Tag, whose VLAN ID is just the ID of the VLAN where the sender
z Region- Select your region from the pull-down list. This field specifies the region where the
wireless function of the AP can be used. It may be illegal to use the wireless function of the
AP in a region other than one of those specified in this filed. If your country or region is not
listed, please contact your local government agency for assistance.
When you select your local region from the pull-down list, click the Save button, then the
Note Dialog appears. Click OK.
Note Dialog
z Channel- This field determines which operating frequency will be used. It is not necessary to
change the wireless channel unless you notice interference problems with another nearby
access point.
z Mode-This field determines the wireless mode which the AP works on.
z Max Tx Rate- You can limit the maximum tx rate of the AP through this field.
z Enable SSID Broadcast- If you select the Enable SSID Broadcast checkbox, the AP will
broadcast its name (SSID) on the air.
You can select one of the following security options:
z Disable Security- The wireless security function can be enabled or disabled. If disabled, the
wireless stations will be able to connect the AP without encryption. It is recommended
strongly that you choose one of the following options to enable security.
z WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK- Select WPA based on pre-shared passphrase.
z PSK Password- You can enter ASCII or Hexadecimal characters.
For ASCII, the length should be between 8 and 63 characters.