
3-4 Gmffguralion Manual
If “N” is entered, only the system htz&r displays. If you have made important changw.save
them onto your disk&E. The current information replaces the previous information.
lf you have made important changes, it is reaxnmended that you back up the system
amfigumtion onto the bard disk drive of your CAE Refer to the f?uim and Mainfenuce
manual- PROCEDURES,Backuphcedures
. :
- . .-
If a modiiition is made to a parameter or attribute that requires a RESTAKI’ for the
change to t&e effa an appropriate warning is displayed upou exiting LJPDATEz
If a modification is made to the DID/E&M Inte&ce that requires a RESTS for the
change to tie effect an appropriate warning is displayed upon exiting UPDATE
CT DID/E&M Interface information is not applicable to lbshiba VP Systems,
To restart the T& VP System, at the Q enters
m Getting Help From UPDATE
You can get help when you are using UF’DATE. At the dot, type
? piq
The following message is displayed.