Setting by means of external signals
The speed limits can be changed arbitrarily by setting external signals.
[Selection of external signals]
voltage signals
current signals
Title Function Adjustment range Default setting
Forward speed limit input
: Invalid
: VI (voltage input)/II (current input)
: RR (volume/voltage input)
: RX(voltage input)
: RX2(voltage input)(optional)
: enabled
Forward speed limit input level
Reverse speed limit input
: Disabled
: VI (voltage input)/II (current input)
: RR (volume/voltage input)
: RX(voltage input)
: RX2 (voltage input)(optional)
: enabled
Reverse speed limit input level
[Speed limit with the center value specified by a reference]
Title Function Adjustment range Default setting
Speed limit (torque=0) reference
:Invalid, :VI/II, :RR, :RX,
:RX2(optional), :
Speed limit (torque=0) value
Speed limit (torque=0) band
Speed limit (torque=0) recovery time
6.21.4 Torque bias and load sharing gain
Selection of synchronized torque bias input
Selection of tension torque bias input
Load sharing gain input selection
1) Selection of synchronized torque bias input
RR-CC 0 10V
RX-CC 0 10V
VI-CC 0 10V
II-CC 4(0) 20mA
Speed control
nchronized tor
ue bias
Torque control
Speed ref.
Speed limit
Speed limit center reference value
Speed limit range
Maximum-speed limit