
In many cases, a color deviation will be corrected by return-
ing the HIT and WID data for the main deflection side to the
initial values.
Followings are cases which need readjustment of the conver-
gence by all means.
4-1. When CRT is Replaced.
When the CRT is replaced, readjustment of the main deflec-
tion and color matching will be necessary. Perform the ad-
justments as follows.
(1) Replace two CRTs, blue and red.
(2) Perform horizontal adjustments for blue and red yokes
to the green CRT. Mount the yokes and velocity modu-
lation coils + alignments so that they closely touches
the CRT without any clearance.
(3) Adjust the red and blue alignments. (refer to item De-
tailed adjustments for alignments)
(4) Perform the center adjustment for the blue CRT center
and the red CRT center to the green CRT center with
the centering magnets.
(5) Adjust the HIT, WID data to obtain the data which gives
the most precision to the green.
(6) Perform the color matching in terms of the convergence
for each screen. In this case, do not move the green.
(7) After completion of the convergence adjustment for
each screen, replace the green CRT. For the green CRT,
repeat the steps 2-5 to make the color matching in terms
of the convergence by using the red and blue as the
4-2. When Convergence Unit is Replaced
When replacing the convergence units, all screens must be
adjusted basically. However, performing the adjustment as
shown below will reduce the procedures considerably.
(1) Replace the memory (Q713) for the new unit with the
memory (Q713) for the failure unit. Mount the con-
vergence unit on the set and the screen status before
replacement will be directly reproduced.
(2) Mount the new unit with the old memory installed in
combination on the set, and turn on the set. A screen as
if it is moving vertically or horizontally will appear.
(3) Adjust each center of green, red, and blue with the cen-
tering magnets again.
(4) Check to see color deviation and screen size deviation
among the colors. If deviated, perform the adjustment
for the main deflection and the color matching for the