- 23 -
4.2.8. FD01 (Inverter status (real time))
bit Function 0 1 Note
0 FL No output Under output -
1 EMG No fault Under fault
The rtry status and the trip
retention status are also regarded
as tripped statuses.
2 ALARM No alarm Under alarm -
3 (Reserved) - - -
4 tHr2(VF2+tH2)
Motor 1
Motor 2
THR1: thr
THR2: f173
5 PI PI enable PI off -
Acc./Dec. 1
Acc./Dec. 2
AD1: acc, dec
AD2: f500, f501
7 DC braking OFF DC braking -
9 Forward /Reverse Fwd. RUN Rev. RUN -
10 Run/stop STOP RUN -
11 Free run (ST) ST=ON ST=OFF -
12 Emergency stop No EMG. Stop Under EMG. Stop -
13 READY with ST/ RUN - -
ST = ON and RUN = ON in
addition to “ready for operation”*
READY without
- - -
15** Local/Remote Remote Local -
* Ready for operation: Initialization completed, not a stop due to a failure, no alarm issued, not moff, not a forced
stop due to ll, not a forced stop due to a momentary power failure.
This function is reserved in VF-AS1.
4.2.9. FD00 (Output frequency (real time))
The current output frequency is read into 0.01Hz of units and by the hexadecimal
For example, when the output frequency is 80Hz, 0x1F40 (hexadecimal number) are read.
Since the minimum unit is 0.01%,
0x1F40 (Hex.) = 8000(Dec.) * 0.01 = 80 (Hz)
Also about the following parameters, these are the same as this.
- FD22 (Feedback value of PID (real time))..................................Unit: 0.01Hz
- FD16 (PG feedback or Estimated speed (real time)) .................Unit: 0.01Hz
- FD29 (Input power (real time)) ...................................................Unit: 0.01kW
- FD30 (Output power (real time)) ................................................Unit: 0.01kW
4.2.10. FD03 (Output current (real time))
The current output current is read into 0.01% of units and by the hexadecimal number.
For example, when the output current of the rated current 4.8A inverter is 50% (2.4A),
0x1388 (hexadecimal number) is read.
Since the minimum unit is 0.01%,
0x1388 (Hex.) = 5000 (Dec.) * 0.01 = 50 (%)
Also about the following parameters, these are the same as this.
- FD05 (Output voltage(real time).................................................Unit: 0.01% (V)
- FD04 (Voltage at DC bus (real time) ..........................................Unit: 0.01%(V)
- FD18 (Torque .............................................................................Unit: 0.01% (Nm)*
* When the motor information connected to the inverter set to the parameter (f405 -
f415), torque monitor value "100%" is same as the rated torque of a motor in general.