2) Error Processing (Binary mode)
In case an error occurs, communication error command (4EH(N) or 6EH(n)) and the error type num-
ber is returned to the computer in addition to the checksum. At time of broadcast communication of
the binary mode, returning of data is not executed except for the inverter to be returned (inverter
number 00H) and when the inverter number is not matched. This is because there will be a risk that
the returned data may be deformed.
1 byte
2 bytes
1 byte
Checksum area Not omissible
Norn (1 byte) : Communication error command ... This command is also used for a check when the in-
verter is tripped.
4EH (N)” is returned under normal conditions, while “6EH (n)” is returned when the in-
verter is tripped.
Data (2 bytes) : Error code (0000~0004)
0000 ... Impossible to execute (Although communication is established normally, the com-
mand cannot be executed because it is to write data into a parameter whose set-
ting cannot be changed during operation (e.g., maximum frequency) or the
EEPROM is faulty.)
0001 ... Data error (The data is outside the specified range or it is composed of too many
0002 ... Communication number error (There is no communication number that matches.)
0004 ... Checksum error (The checksum result differs.)
No code returned ...Command error, format error (failure to receive the specified number of
bytes within 0.5 seconds, or an parity, overrun or framing error) or the
inverter number does not match or an inverter in broadcast communi-
cation in the binary mode except for the inverter for data returning (the
inverter numbered 00H).
2FH, 4EH, 00H, 00H, 7DH ... Impossible to execute (e.g., a change of maximum frequency data
during operation)
2FH, 4EH, 00H, 01H, 7EH ... Data setting error (The data specified falls outside the specified
2FH, 4EH, 00H, 02H, 7FH ... No communication number (There is no communication number that
2FH, 4EH, 00H, 04H, 81H ... Checksum error (The checksum result differs.)
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