
The Status page summarizes basic information useful for installation and diagnostics.
PCX5000 Information Hardware and software version information
RF MAC Address MAC address of the RF interface
USB MAC Address MAC address for the USB interface
LAN MAC Address MAC address used for router functions
802.11b MAC Address MAC address of the 802.11b wireless interface
Serial Number The serial number of the unit
Operational Status The current status of the PCX5000
Uptime The time since the last PCX5000 reset
Last Status - prior reboot The status of the PCX5000 prior to the last reboot
Power Level Received The power of the downstream signal in dBmV
Power Level Transmitted The power of the upstream signal in dBmV
Received SNR The signal-to-noise ratio of the downstream signal in dB
Frequency Downstream The frequency of the downstream signal
Frequency Upstream The frequency of the upstream signal