LED Diagnostics
The PCX5000 has 13 status LEDs. The purpose of each LED (left to right) is detailed in the following
Function Color Definition
§ dark for power off
§ bright for power on
§ dark for no downstream RF carrier present or power off
§ flashing slowly (approximately every second) for downstream RF
carrier present and ranging in progress
§ flashing fast (approximately 0.1 seconds)
for registration in
§ on for the PCX5000 registered and ready to transfer data
TEST Amber
§ dark for initial self-test of the PCX5000 OK or power off
§ flashing for initial self-
test of the PCX5000 in progress or software
down loading of the PCX5000 in progress
§ on for self-test failure of the PCX5000
USB Green
§ dark for no USB link has been detected
§ on for USB link and no activity
§ flashing for user data going through USB Interface
WLAN Green
§ dark for no WLAN link has been detected
§ flashing for user data going through WLAN
10/100 Mbps [1-4] Green
§ dark for 10Base-T connection
§ on for 100Base-T connection
Link/Act [1-4] Green
§ dark for no carrier to/from computer present or power off
§ on for carrier to/from computer present
§ flashing for user data going through Ethernet