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Chapter 11: Using the THINC™ home network feature
F. Set up e-mail scheduling (continued)
*The “High” settings are the default settings. To help prevent the TV from receiving or sending unwanted e-mails (including e-mails that contain information about
the programs the TV is set to record), it is recommended that you
not change these settings unless you need to diagnose a problem or deal
with a unique user situation.
Description of fields in the “E-mail Scheduling Setup” window
For instructions on entering data in these fields, see step 5 under “Setting up e-mail scheduling” on page 113.
E-mail Scheduling Setup
E-mail Scheduling
Please enter your E-mail Setup Information.
ID Required
Test cancel
Incoming Mail Server
Outgoing Mail Server
E-mail Address
E-mail Authorization
Authorized E-mail
Enter YOUR E-mail here
“ID” field
Use the on-screen
keyboard to enter six
to 16 numbers and/or
letters to create your
ID (spaces and
punctuation are not
Also see the “Security settings” table, below.
• To help protect your privacy, you may want to choose an ID
that is different from any of your usual passwords or security
PINs (e.g., different from your personal e-mail password,
banking login code, social security number, etc.).
• The ID is case sensitive.
“E-mail Address” field
Use the on-screen keyboard to enter the TV’s dedicated e-mail
address (different from your personal e-mail address). You will
send e-mails to this address to add, modify, or delete schedules
and reminders.
“E-mail Scheduling” field
You can select On or Off for the “E-mail Scheduling” field.
– When this field is set to On, it will be possible for the TV
to receive e-mails from any PC to remotely schedule and
modify recordings and reminders.
– When this field is set to Off, it will not be possible for the
TV to receive any e-mail, the other fields in this window
will be disabled (“grayed out”), and it will not be possible to
remotely schedule recordings or reminders via e-mail.
Also see the “Security settings” table, below.
■“ID Required” field
You can select On or Off for the “ID Required” field.
– When this field is set to On (recommended), you must
include the ID that you enter in the “ID” field in all e-mails
you send to the TV. This is a security feature to protect your
TV from unauthorized e-mail access.
– When this field is set to Off, you do not need to include
the ID in e-mails you send to the TV.
Also see the “Security settings” table, below.
“E-mail “E-mail “Authorized “ID
Level of Scheduling” Authorization” E-mail” Required” “ID” Result
security field field field field field
High* ON ON Enter single ON Enter The TV will only accept e-mails from the one e-mail address
[default settings] E-mail address ID specified in the “Authorized E-mail” field that also include the
(Recommended) “ID” in the body of the e-mail. All other e-mails received by
the TV (except GET and HELP commands) will be deleted.
Medium ON ON Enter single OFF — The TV will only accept e-mails
from the one e-mail address
E-mail address specified in the “Authorized E-mail” field. All other e-mails
received by the TV will be deleted.
Low ON OFF — ON Enter The TV will accept e-mails
from any e-mail address that
ID includes the “ID” in the body of the e-mail. All other e-mails
received by the TV will be deleted.
None ON OFF — OFF — The TV will accept e-mails
from any e-mail address (including
(Not recommended) unwanted e-mails, such as spam) and will reply to those
e-mails with a failure acknowledgment.
Security settings
(Results of various setting combinations when the “E-mail Scheduling” field is set to ON in the “E-mail Scheduling Setup” window)