1000: FIFO_ENABLE This COMMAND set FIFO of applicable endpoint to enable (EP1 to EP3).
If FIFO is set to disable by FIFO_DISABLE COMMAND, this command is used for
release disable condition. If during receiving packet, this becomes valid from next token.
If USB_RESET is detected from host and RESET COMMAND execute and transfer
mode is set by using SET_CONFIG and SET_INTERFACE request, applicable
endpoint become FIFO_ENABLE condition.
1001: INIT_DESCRIPTOR This COMMAND is used if descriptor RAM is rewritten during operates system (EP0).
If UDC detect USB_RESET from host controller, it read content of descriptor RAM
automatically, and it set various setting.
If descriptor RAM is changed during operates system, it must read setting again.
Therefore, execute this command. Case of connects to USB host, this function start
reading automatically. Therefore, don’t have to execute this command.
1010: FIFO_CLEA This COMMAND initializes FIFO of applicable endpoint (EP1 to EP3).
However, EPx_STATUS<TOGGLE> is not initialized.
If resetting by software, execute this COMMAND.
This command Initialize following item.
Clear STALL of applicable endpoint.
Set to FIFO_ENABLE condition.
1011: STAL_CLEAR This COMMAND clear STALL of applicable endpoint (EP1 to EP3).
If clearing only STALL of endpoint, execute this COMMAND.