iIS-010 series product specification
Ver. B (Oct. 12 200 )
1. Product Description
"intelligent image sensor" iIS-010 series is an integrated image processing system consists of CCD
camera head, control unit, and application software. iIS-010 series is a pre-packaged solution designed to
simplify the deployment of machine vision in industrial applications.
2. Features
(1) High measurement accuracy
High measurement precision finds small defects in manufactured parts.
(2) Double speed VGA sensor
Remote head VGA sensor connected through a single cable with all camera electronics contained
within the iIS assembly. The camera electronics support a 60Hz progressive scan frame rate.
(3) Interface for industrial applications
Industrial and intelligent I/O interfaces for part type (job code), part inspection, part decision and light
(4) Standard interfaces
Standard serial and Ethernet 10/100baseT communication interfaces for configuration and data
(5) Graphical user interface
Intuitive step-by-step configuration and monitoring GUI, accessible through a standard Microsoft
browser page and available in two languages (English and Japanese).
(6) Local Scaling / Global Scaling
Simple calibration procedure which factors out both perspective and non-linear lens distortions,
provides high measurement accuracy. And measurement in metric, English or pixel, supports unique
system requirements.
(7) History reports
Customer-defined history reports including parts images records information on recent passed, failed
and reworked parts; key measures; specifics on which part failed to enable diagnosis. Provides a history
of recent good and bad label images enables you to monitor and spot error trends on a line.