6 F 3 B 0 3 6 4
It is recommended to use a metal cable duct with lid or a protective pipe made from steel in
consideration of noise-proof nature. The following table shows electric power lines in parallel
wiring and a recommended minimum distance table.
Table 8.3 Recommended Minimum Distance
(metal duct with lid, and metal piping work) in mm
Cable Installation Duct with lid or protective steel piping
Parallel distance 10 m or
25 m or
100 m or
200 m or
500 m or
501 m or
125 V and 10A, or less 10 10 50 100 200 250
250 V and 50A, or less 10 50 150 200 250 250
400 V and 100A, or less 50 100 200 250 250 250
500 V and 200A, or less 100 200 250 250 250 250
Electric power cable
Exceding the above 500 or more
Applied Measuring Instrument Installation Guideline>
By Japan Electrical Measurement Equipment Industry Association
Place a separator (steel) in the cable duct as shown below to separate from electric power lines.
Electric power cable
Instrumentation power line
Electromagnetic valve,
operation signal line, etc.
Transmission cable
Metal duct
Figure 8.1 Example of Installation in the Duct
Use a separator to install cables in the pit as in the duct.
Power cable
Grounding (class 3 grounding)
Signal cable
Separator (steel made)
Figure 8.2 Example of Installation in the Pit