
The configuration of the communications parameters. (The parameters of both devices
must match.)
Use the MODE command to set these parameters on the computer as described in the
MS-DOS documentation.
Many communications software packages also provide ways to set communications
parameters. Refer to your software documentation for more information.
Preset Parameter Settings
When you start the computer, serial communications parameters are automatically assigned
preset values. The first time you use your computer these values are set as follows:
Parameter Preset value
baud rate None
parity Even
data bits 7
stop bits 1
2 (for 110 baud)
Once you set the preferred parameter values with the MS-DOS MODE command, these
become the current (preset) values. You can however, place the MODE command and your
preferred parameters in your AUTOEXEC.BAT batch file. This way, each time you power
on your computer your preferred values will be set. For more information on batch files, refer
to your MS-DOS documentation.
Because the baud rate is not automatically set, you cannot use a
serial device without first setting this parameter. Most software
applications using a serial port set the baud rate for you. Refer to
the application’s documentation.
Connecting a Serial Printer
You can connect most serial printers to the computer with a standard cable that has an
AT-compatible, 9-pin, D-type connector on the computer end and a 25-pin connector on the
printer end. Your printer manual should tell you if non-standard writing is required.
To decide how to set the serial communications parameters, find out what the preset settings
are for your printer. Compare these settings with those for the computer. If you plan to