
SECTION 100-816-302
SELECT = 2l T ButtodLEDs
Light LEDs as defined by the table below.
NOTE: Shaded areas apply to DK16 only
ALL LEDs with an “x” should be lit when you finish
Telephone connected to CKT
1. For more information, see the instructions preceding the record sheets.
2. Initialized data lights LEDs 02, 14, 15 and 16.
3. Called party receives notification tone when calling party activates Automatic Callback.
4. BGM connected to QSTU/PSTU/PEKlJ/PESLJ/KSTU, will be sent to electronic and digital telephone speakers and external page
(optional). Important: Power must be turned off and on for BGM assignments to be effective.
5. Ring pattern for standard telephones: distinctive ring on incoming CO calls, is: 0.2 sec. on, 0.4 sec. off, 0.2 sec. on, 3.4 sec. off; intercom
ring is always 1 sec. on, 3 sec. off. This doesn’t apply to voice mail ports (Program 31, LED 17 on) which are always standard ring.
6. External speakers and designated digital and electronic telephones are paged by dialing Intercom 3 9. The All Call Page button is
used only to page designated digital and electronic telephones.
7. Deletes DTMF tones returned to digital and electronic telephones when dialing from dialpad or speed dialing; also deletes auto dial digits
sent to callers that are call forwarded to voice mail. This does not affect the actual DTMF tones sent out to the CO or voice mail.
8. 0.5 second cadence, Be// Standard Busy Tone, should be enabled so outside callers are not confused by STRATA 0.25 second busy
tone when calling busy number on DISA line calls.
9. If BGM source is assigned to KSTU or PSTU slot in Program 19, system automatically assigns KSTU or PSTU CKT 4 as a BGM source.
10. Important: LED 19 should be OFF unless external amplifiers are used for two CO line/station conference (see Program 10-3). If LED 19
is ON, the station may be unbalanced and receive HUM if external amplifier with Auto-Gain-Control is not connected.
11. BGM connected to QSTU, circuit 2, (DK8) Port 19 may require an isolation transformer per Section 100-816-207