Appendix – Call List
Backup Log Files
50 Strata CTX Attendant Console 09/02
Directed Call The call is a direct dial call to the PDN.
Dial 0 The call is dialed directly to the operator.
Call Forward
(Busy, No Answer, Busy/No Answer, Unconditional) - The call has
been forwarded to the Attendant.
Pickup The call was picked up.
Unpark The call was parked and retrieved by the Attendant.
Redirect The call was redirected to the Attendant.
Hold Recall The call was recalled from hold.
Call Completion The call was the result of a call completion request.
Transfer Call The call was transferred to the Attendant.
Park Recall The call is recalled from park.
Transfer Recall The call is recalled from Transfer.
blank (““)blank (““) - the reason for the call is not known.
Emergency (Call displays in red) The call is an emergency call.
Line Group The call is call from the line group.
LG nnn Line Group with Line Group number.
ParkRCallDN Park Recall with Recall DN/Orbit No.
TransfRCallDN Transfer Recall with Redirect DN.
TransfDN Transfer with Redirect DN.
Time that the call has been in the current call state.
Name of person calling (inbound calls) or person called (outbound
Phone number of person calling (inbound calls) or person called
(outbound calls).
Duration Total time of a call.
Line number of external calls.
Call Attribute Description