STE 58762
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(3) Computation of vector-type data
You can add and subtract corresponding elements of two vectors. Computation is a possib1e only
between the same type variables. The <CONFIG> element is not involved in the calculations but
rather takes the value of the variable substituted into it.
Given the following two position vectors and two coordinate vectors;
P1: (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, RIGHTY)
P2: (-5, 10, -15, 20, -25, LEFTY)
C1: (100, 50, -50, 0)
C2: (12, 34, 56, 78)
and performing the following operations,
P3 = P1 - P2
C3 = C1 - C2
we obtain:
P3: (15, 10, 45, 20, 75, RIGHTY)
C3: (88, 16, -106, -78)
The <CONFIG> element in P3 is indeterminant.
(4) Substitution into vector data types
The following methods are available to substitute (insert) a constant, a variable or the result of a
computation into an element of vector-type data.
(a) Commands to convert a row of scalar-type data into vector-type data
A POINT command and a TRANS command are available to convert rows of scalar data into a
vector data. POINT converts scalar data into positional vector data, and TRANS converts scalar
data into coordinate vector data. For details on how to use these commands, see "Chapter 3."