【Accessories for countermeasure】
- Shielded cable : Showa electric Wire & Cable Co. LTD.
Type form/ CV-S, 600V or less
- Shielded cable : SUMITOMO 3M Co. Ltd. Electro-magnetic guard shielded sleeve
Type form/ DS-5,7,10,14
- EMI filter : Toshiba Schneider Inverter Corporation
Type form/ For further details, see
- Ferrite core 1 : TDK Co. Ltd.
Type form/ ZCAT3035-1330
【Apply if needed】
- Grounding plate : Toshiba Schneider Inverter Corporation
Type form/ EMP001Z
- Ferrite core : NEC TOKIN Corporation
Type form/ ESD-R-47D-1
- Zero-phase reactor : Soshin denki Co. Ltd.
Type form/ RC5078 or RC9129
- Radio noise filter : Soshin denki Co. Ltd.
Type form/ NF series
9.1.4 Low voltage directive
Inverter itself is an object of the CE marking.
The Low Voltage Directive defines the safety of the electric equipment. VF-nC1 series conform to
the Low Voltage directive based on EN50178.
Normative standard : EN50178/Electronic equipment for use in power installation
Pollution degree : 2(
Over-voltage category : 3 200V class 3.0 mm (
EN50178 provides that for electronic equipment used in power installations. The main intention is
to stipulate minimum requirements for the design and manufacture of electronic equipment, for
protection against electric shock, for testing and for the integration into systems for power