[6] Handling Guide
3.3.19 Safety Standards
Each country has safety standards which must be observed. These safety standards include
requirements for quality assurance systems and design of device insulation. Such requirements must
be fully taken into account to ensure that your design conforms to the applicable safety standards.
3.3.20 Other Precautions
(1) When designing a system, be sure to incorporate fail-safe and other appropriate measures
according to the intended purpose of your system. Also, be sure to debug your system under
actual board-mounted conditions.
(2) If a plastic-package device is placed in a strong electric field, surface leakage may occur due to
the charge-up phenomenon, resulting in device malfunction. In such cases take appropriate
measures to prevent this problem, for example by protecting the package surface with a
conductive shield.
(3) With some microcomputers and MOS memory devices, caution is required when powering on or
resetting the device. To ensure that your design does not violate device specifications, consult the
relevant databook for each constituent device.
(4) Ensure that no conductive material or object (such as a metal pin) can drop onto and short the
leads of a device mounted on a printed circuit board.
3.4 Inspection, Testing and Evaluation
3.4.1 Grounding
Ground all measuring instruments, jigs, tools and soldering irons to earth.
Electrical leakage may cause a device to break down or may result in
electric shock.