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Outline of specifications
1) Louver position setup
• When the louver position is changed, the position moves necessarily
to downward discharge position once to return to the set position.
• The louver position can be set up in the following operation range.
The louver position at
horizontal discharge
position at under
SM80 differs from
that at over SM110.
• In group twin/triple operation, the louver positions can be set up
collectively or individually.
2) Swing setup
• [SWING] is displayed and the following display is repeated.
In all operations
• In group twin operation, the louver positions can be set up collec-
tively or individually.
3) When the unit stopped or the warning was output, the louver is
automatically set to full closed position.
4) When PRE-HEAT
(Heating ready) is displayed (Heating operation
started or defrost operation is performed), heating thermo is off or self-
cleaning is performed, the louver is automatically set to horizontal
discharge position.
∗ The louver which air direction is individually set or the locked louver
closes fully when the unit stops and the louver is automatically set to
horizontal discharge position when PRE-HEAT
(Heating ready) is
displayed, heating thermo is off or self-cleaning is performed.
<<Individual air direction setup>>
• Pushing
Louver select button enables every discharge port to
set up the air direction.
• In case of no input (key operation) for approx. 5 seconds during setting of
individual air direction (during displaying of louver No. on the remote
controller screen), the remote controller screen returns to the normal
display screen.
• For the air direction illustration during normal operation, the air direction
of the least No. among the louvers which are block-set is displayed.
• While individual air direction is being set, the remote controller operation
(Illustration of air direction) and operation of the real machine are linked.
• When selecting a case,
Louver select button is not pushed or
louver No. is not displayed, the air directions of all the louvers are
collectively set up.
The swinging louver
moves usually up to
the ceiling side from
the louver position of
the set time.
Setup from the
remote controller
is unavailable.
For the setup opera-
tion, refer to
“How to set up louver
individually” of Item
“Setup at local site/
Using same as the
present 4-way Air
Discharge Cassette
Type is possible
In cooling/dry operation In heating/fan operation
Refrigerant pipe Drain pipe