
FILE NO. SVM-03008
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8-1-8. Outdoor fan control (DC fan motor)
Although the outdoor fan motor drives the outdoor fan by non-step variable system of the revolution speed, the
revolution speed is restricted to three steps on the convenience of controlling. If a strong wind is lashing outside
of the room, the operation may be continued as the outdoor fan stops in order to protect the outdoor fan motor.
If a fan lock occurred due to entering of foreign matter, the air conditioner stops and an alarm is displayed.
Table 8-1-3
Table 8-1-4
Model name RAS-13UAV-E2
Compressor revolution (rps) To 16.8 To 57.4 From 58.0
Outdoor temp. sensor TO
TO 5°C 390 650 840
TO < 5°C 650 650 840
ECONO. operation
TO 5°C 390 390 650
TO < 5°C 390 650 650
TO is abnormal 390 650 840
Model name RAS-13UAV-E2
Compressor revolution (rps) To 13.8 To 34.7 From 35.3
TO 38°C 390 840 840
Outdoor temp. sensor TO TO < 38°C 390 700 840
TO < 15°C 390
TO 38°C 390 700 840
ECONO. operation TO < 38°C 390 390 700
TO < 15°C 390
TO is abnormal 700 700 840