3 Diagnostic Programs 3.2 Quick Start
16 Satellite A100/A105 / TECRA A7 Maintenance Manual
3.2.10 FPRD Test
Both FPRD and FENR refer to finger print test, which means finger print identification
system. FPRD, a self test of finger print test, detects the existence of the device. If it
exists, the system will prompt a message of PASS, otherwise the message will be FAIL.
3.2.11 FENR Test
In FENR test, the system scans a finger print for three times and displays Succeeded if
successfully collected finger print information. Then it will scan the finger print one
more time for comparison and display PASS if succeeded. If the comparison is not
successful, the system will request another scan for totally five times and display FAIL if
it always fails.
Because, execution of this test vanishes all fingerprint data. When you perform this test,
please make it only failure of a fingerprint sensor.
3.2.12 IrDA ManMaster Test
This test item supports the transfer rates of 2.4Kbps, 9.6Kbps, 19.2Kbps, 38.4Kbps,
57.6Kbps, 115.2Kbps , 0.576Mbps,1.152Mbps and 4.00Mbps. The unit under testing
(UUT) is called Slave, that requires a unit whose IrDA works normally(that is called
Master) for transferring data between Slave and Master.
Below are the operation steps:
Prepare a Master whose IrDA works normally, then run the test item from
Main Menu, The master stays here to wait for slave requesting.
Prepare a slave. User should choose the test item from Main Menu and set
Below is the Master Testing window: