
Functional part name Functional outline
High pressure sensor
(Connector CN501: Red)
1) Detects high pressure and uses it to control the capacity of the compressor.
2) Detects high pressure during all cooling operation and uses it to control the fan when cooling
with low outside air.
3) Detects under-cool of the indoor unit of which heating thermo.-ON during all heating operation
and simultaneous operation.
4) Controls outdoor fan rpm during mainly cooling, part heating operation.
Low pressure sensor
(Connector CN500: White)
1) Detects low pressure and uses it to control capacity of the compressor during all cooling
operation and simultaneous operation
2) Detects low pressure and uses it to controls super heat during all heating operation and
simultaneous operation
Compressor case heater
(Compressor 1 Connector CN316: White, Compressor 2 Connector CN315: Blue)
1) Prevents liquid accumulation in the compressor
Accumulator case heater
(Connector CN321: Red)
1) Prevents liquid accumulation to accumulator
Balance pipe 1) Oil balancing pipe between outdoor unit (This unit does not use this Balance pipe.)
Operation mode
Operation mode Outline
1. All Indoor Unit(s)
Operating for Cooling
Only cooling operation without heating operation
Outdoor heat exchanger (Main heat exchanger) is used as a condenser.
2. All Indoor Unit(s)
Operating for Heating
Only heating operation without cooling operation
Outdoor heat exchanger (Main heat exchanger) is used as an evaporator.
3. Simultaneous operation MIU for simultaneous operation
3-1. Mainly cooling, partly
heating operation
Cooling/heating simultaneous operation with subjective cooling operation
Outdoor heat exchanger (Sub heat exchanger) is used as a condenser.
3-2. Mainly heating, partly
cooling operation
Cooling/heating simultaneous operation with subjective heating operation
Outdoor heat exchanger (Main heat exchanger) is used as an evaporator.
4. Defrost
Using the reversing operation of the 4-way valve, ice on the outdoor heat exchanger is
dissolved within a single cooling cycle.
For details of operation mode, refer to page 53 to 59.