15.3 Toshiba Common Serial ASD Protocol
• The gateway can act as a Toshiba ASD master via its dedicated common
serial (TTL) port connections. All Toshiba drives that include a common
serial port are supported.
• No configuration is necessary, as the gateway automatically adapts to the
ASD’s configured characteristics.
• The RS485 port and the ASD1 port of the gateway are internally shared,
which means that they both cannot be active simultaneously. Also, the
RS485 port’s configuration has priority over that of the ASD1 port: if any
protocol is assigned to the RS485 port, then the ASD1 port will be
automatically disabled. Note, however, that the ASD2 and ASD3 ports will
at all times operate independently of all other network ports.
• All parameter writes use the drive’s RAM / EEPROM data write (“W”)
command. For all writes that target the drive’s EEPROM, be sure to follow
Toshiba’s guidelines regarding the number of times a specific parameter
can be written without risk of EEPROM damage.
• Point parameter number entry radix is hexadecimal (e.g. 10 = 0x0010 or
15.4 Toshiba RS485 ASD Protocol
• The gateway can act as a Toshiba ASD master via its RS485 port. All
Toshiba drives that implement the Toshiba protocol and provide either a
built-in or option-based RS485 port are supported.
• Because the gateway implements a 2-wire (half-duplex) RS485 network,
the drive(s) involved must also be connected via 2-wire mode. Optionally,
it is also possible to convert the gateway’s network from 2-wire (half-
duplex) to 4-wire (half-duplex) via an external repeater such as the
485OPIN from B&B Electronics (http://www.bb-elec.com).
• Note that Toshiba 7-series drives configured for 2-wire mode (F821=0)
shipped prior to early 2006 may exhibit an issue that can cause their
RS485 ports to stop communicating after a certain amount of time. Please
contact Toshiba technical support to confirm your configuration prior to
using 2-wire RS485 mode on these drives.
• The required drive configuration will vary depending on the specific drive(s)
involved. In general, most parameters are freely configurable to match the
gateway’s port settings (baud rate, parity etc.) The most critical selection,
however, is that if the drive is directly connected to the gateway via 2-wire
mode, then the drive must be properly configured for 2-wire RS485. Note