Special Day Schedule
You can create unique recording schedules for specific days such as holidays or special events.
Creating/Editing a ‘Special Day’ Schedule
1. Click Normal Day Mode to enable the Special Day Mode.
2. Set a recording schedule as desired. For instructions, see the Creating a Recording Schedule (Example) and Creating a
Sensor Schedule (Example) sections in this chapter.
3. Select a day by typing the date or clicking the down arrow to select the date from a calendar.
4. Click Save Special Day.
5. The special day will appear as a date in the Special Day Schedule. To edit this schedule, select it, and then and repeat steps 1
and 2.
6. Click save Special Day. When a confirmation message appears, click OK.
7. To continue setting normal schedules, click Special Day Mode to enable Normal Day Mode.
Note When you are making changes in Normal Day Mode, the dates in the Special Day list will appear dimmed. They are still saved,
but you cannot access them or make changes unless you are operating in Special Day Mode.
8. Click Apply to save your settings.
Deleting a ‘Special Day’ Schedule
1. Click Normal Day Mode to enable the Special Day Mode.
2. Select a date from the Special Days list.
3. Click Delete Special Day.
Configured Special Days List
Special Day Mode /
Normal Day Mode